Write for Us

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Write for Us

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Find Legals! We welcome talented writers, legal professionals, and subject matter experts to share their insights and expertise on our platform. By becoming a contributor, you have the opportunity to reach a wide audience and make a meaningful impact in the legal community.

Why Write for Find Legals?

  1. Expand your reach: Your articles will be published on our highly-trafficked law blog, reaching thousands of readers who are actively seeking legal information and resources. This exposure provides an excellent platform to showcase your knowledge and expertise.
  2. Share your expertise: Whether you specialize in a specific area of law or have experience with legal research, writing for Find Legals allows you to share your insights and help others better understand complex legal topics. Your contributions can make a real difference in the lives of our readers.
  3. Build your online presence: As a contributor, you will have a dedicated author bio section accompanying your articles. This allows you to showcase your professional background, credentials, and any relevant links, such as your website or social media profiles. Writing for Find Legals can enhance your online presence and reputation in the legal industry.
  4. Engage with a community: Our platform encourages discussion and interaction among legal enthusiasts, professionals, and readers seeking legal advice. By contributing to Find Legals, you can engage with our vibrant community, exchange ideas, and establish valuable connections.

Guidelines for Submission:

  1. Original content: We only accept original, unpublished articles. Plagiarism or content that has been published elsewhere will not be considered.
  2. Relevant topics: We cover a wide range of legal topics, so feel free to submit articles on areas such as personal injury, criminal law, intellectual property, family law, employment law, and more. We also welcome articles on legal research techniques, case studies, legal technology, and career advice for aspiring legal professionals.
  3. Quality and clarity: We value well-researched, well-written articles that provide valuable insights and actionable information. Please ensure your articles are clear, concise, and accessible to a broad audience. Avoid using excessive jargon and complex legal terminology.
  4. Length and formatting: Articles should generally be between 800 to 1,500 words. Please format your submissions in a readable manner, with subheadings, bullet points, and paragraphs for easy comprehension.
  5. Citations and references: If you include specific legal cases, statutes, or other references, please provide accurate citations and link to credible sources whenever possible.