Valsartan Medication Lawsuit: What You Need to Know



If you’ve taken Valsartan, you might have heard about the lawsuits related to its contamination. The heart medication that millions trusted has faced serious legal backlash. Why? Because batches of Valsartan were found to be contaminated with dangerous substances that pose severe health risks. This article will walk you through everything you need to know about the Valsartan medication lawsuit, from the drug’s background to legal action and compensation options for affected individuals. However, it’s important to note that this article provides general information and should not be considered as a substitute for professional legal advice. For specific legal guidance, we recommend consulting a qualified attorney.

What is Valsartan?

Valsartan is a prescription drug that belongs to a class of medications known as angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs). It’s mainly prescribed to treat high blood pressure (hypertension), heart failure and, in some cases, to improve survival after a heart attack. By relaxing blood vessels, Valsartan helps reduce the workload on the heart, making it a commonly prescribed medication for those at risk of cardiovascular events.

Valsartan Uses

Doctors primarily use Valsartan to manage high blood pressure. In some cases, it’s used alongside other medications to control heart conditions. Controlling blood pressure is essential to prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. It’s not surprising that Valsartan, a medication that many patients trusted and relied on for its effectiveness, was a popular choice for many years.

The Valsartan Recall

The major issue surrounding Valsartan began in 2018 when certain batches were recalled due to contamination. This recall shook the pharmaceutical industry and left patients worried. The recall happened when it was discovered that Valsartan was tainted with potentially harmful chemicals, which we’ll discuss in more detail shortly. Patients who had been using the contaminated versions were at risk of severe health complications, leading to the mass recall.

Contamination in Valsartan

The contamination at the heart of this lawsuit involves chemicals known as NDMA (N-Nitrosodimethylamine) and NDEA (N-Nitrosodiethylamine). These compounds are classified as probable human carcinogens, meaning they are substances that could potentially cause cancer after prolonged exposure. These harmful impurities found their way into Valsartan during the manufacturing process at certain overseas factories.

Health Risks Linked to Contaminated Valsartan

Exposure to NDMA and NDEA, particularly over extended periods, has been linked to an increased risk of various types of cancer, including liver, kidney, and gastrointestinal cancers. Patients who had taken contaminated Valsartan unknowingly may have been exposed to these life-threatening risks, leading to widespread concern and legal action.

How Was the Contamination Discovered?

The contamination was first discovered during routine testing by both manufacturers and regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These agencies play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of pharmaceutical products and conducting regular inspections and tests. The issue came to light when it was found that these carcinogenic impurities had been produced during the manufacturing process in factories located in China and India. Once discovered, the information prompted a wave of recalls across multiple countries.

Impact on Consumers

For patients who relied on Valsartan to manage their heart conditions, the news of contamination was alarming. Many patients were left wondering if these dangerous impurities had compromised their health. The psychological toll was significant, and many individuals began to worry about long-term health consequences, especially those who had been on the drug for an extended time.

Legal Grounds for Filing a Lawsuit

Patients who took contaminated Valsartan may have grounds to file a lawsuit based on negligence, failure to warn, or product liability. Pharmaceutical companies are required to ensure their products are safe for consumption, and in the case of Valsartan, this responsibility was breached when contaminated drugs reached consumers. Those affected can seek compensation for medical expenses, emotional distress, and long-term health impacts.

Key Plaintiffs in the Valsartan Lawsuit

Numerous plaintiffs have come forward, including individuals diagnosed with cancer after taking contaminated Valsartan and family members of deceased patients. Many of these lawsuits have been consolidated into multidistrict litigation (MDL), a legal process that combines similar lawsuits from multiple jurisdictions into a single federal court. This consolidation streamlines the court proceedings, making the process more efficient for all parties involved.

Valsartan Lawsuit Settlements and Compensation

So far, settlements have been reached in various cases, although the amounts vary based on the individual circumstances of the claimants. Compensation typically covers medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and sometimes punitive damages. The legal process for these lawsuits is ongoing, and more settlements are expected as new cases emerge.

Who Can File a Valsartan Lawsuit?

If you took Valsartan and were later diagnosed with cancer or other health complications related to the contamination, you might be eligible to file a lawsuit. It’s essential to consult a legal expert to evaluate your case, especially if you have documented evidence of purchasing and consuming Valsartan during the contaminated period. This evidence could include pharmacy receipts, medical records showing Valsartan prescriptions, and any documentation of your cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Steps to Filing a Valsartan Lawsuit

  • Filing a Valsartan lawsuit involves several key steps:
  • Consultation with a lawyer specializing in pharmaceutical litigation.
  • Gathering medical records that link your health issues to Valsartan use.
  • Filing your claim within the statute of limitations, which can vary by state.
  • Preparing for the discovery phase, where evidence is shared between parties.
  • Your attorney will guide you through this complex process, ensuring that your rights are protected.

What to Expect During a Valsartan Lawsuit

Litigation can be a lengthy process, and Valsartan lawsuits are no exception. From filing the initial claim to reaching a settlement or verdict, the process can take months or even years. Be prepared for multiple stages, including depositions where you and other parties provide:

  • Sworn testimony.
  • Expert witness testimonies where professionals provide their opinions on the case.
  • Settlement negotiations where both parties try to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.

Hiring a Lawyer for a Valsartan Lawsuit

Given the complexity of these lawsuits, having an experienced attorney by your side is crucial. A lawyer specializing in pharmaceutical litigation can help you navigate the intricacies of the legal system and increase your chances of obtaining a favourable outcome.

The Future of the Valsartan Lawsuits

While the Valsartan lawsuits are already in progress, it’s important to remember that the story is not over. The pharmaceutical industry and regulatory agencies are maintaining ongoing vigilance, investigating the contamination and ensuring the safety of all pharmaceutical products. This continuous effort should reassure you that steps are being taken to prevent such incidents in the future.


The Valsartan medication lawsuit is a stark reminder of the importance of drug safety and regulation. If you or a loved one have been affected, it’s crucial to explore your legal options. This is not just about seeking compensation, but also about holding pharmaceutical companies accountable for their actions. By taking this step, you’re not just seeking justice, but also playing a part in ensuring the safety of future medications.


Q1: What is NDMA, and why is it dangerous?

NDMA is a chemical contaminant classified as a probable carcinogen, meaning it could potentially cause cancer after prolonged exposure.

Q2: How do I know if my Valsartan was contaminated?

You can check the batch number of your prescription and consult with your pharmacist or doctor to see if it was part of the recall.

Q3: How much compensation can I receive from a Valsartan lawsuit?

Compensation varies, but it often covers medical expenses, pain and suffering, and lost wages.

Q4: Can I file a lawsuit if I haven’t been diagnosed with cancer?

Yes, some individuals file lawsuits based on the potential risk and emotional distress, even if they haven’t been diagnosed with cancer.

Q5: Are there time limits for filing a Valsartan lawsuit?

Yes, there are statutes of limitations, which vary by state. It’s important to consult with a lawyer as soon as possible to ensure you file within the allowed timeframe.

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