Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP: A Controversial Debt Collector



Have you ever received a letter in the mail that sent your heart racing? Maybe it was a stern warning about unpaid parking tickets, or perhaps a collection notice from a debt you didn’t even know existed. If so, you may have encountered Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP (LGBS), a massive debt collection firm that operates across the United States. While debt collection is a necessary part of ensuring payments are made, LGBS has come under fire over the years for its alleged aggressive and sometimes illegal collection tactics. But what’s the real story behind this controversial law firm, and what can you do if they come knocking on your door?

Who is Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP?

Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP (LGBS) is a law firm that primarily focuses on collecting government debts. These debts include unpaid taxes, parking tickets, toll violations, and even traffic fines. Headquartered in Texas, LGBS has expanded its operations nationwide, serving municipalities, school districts, and other governmental entities.

Specialization in Government Debt

Unlike many other debt collectors who go after consumer credit card debts, LGBS deals mostly with debts owed to government entities. This might be anything from property taxes to unpaid court fees. This specialization has allowed them to carve out a niche, positioning themselves as the go-to firm for local governments looking to collect on overdue debts.

LGBS’s Reach Across the USA

LGBS isn’t just a small-time operation—its influence stretches far and wide. From coast to coast, LGBS has contracts with government entities across the U.S., enabling it to pursue debts on behalf of numerous cities and states. This massive scale has contributed to its controversial reputation, as more and more consumers find themselves on the receiving end of their collection efforts.

The Controversial Side of LGBS

While LGBS’s main goal is to recover unpaid debts, their methods of doing so have sparked widespread criticism and legal scrutiny. Consumers, watchdog groups, and even government agencies have raised concerns over their tactics.

Allegations of Aggressive Collection Tactics

Perhaps the most common complaint against LGBS is their use of aggressive collection tactics. Many debtors have reported receiving persistent phone calls, often filled with threats of legal action or arrest. Others have received letters that make it sound like immediate payment is the only option, with little to no explanation of their rights.

These tactics are not just annoying—they can be downright frightening. Some people have claimed that LGBS’s communications leave them feeling trapped, powerless, and unsure of what steps to take.

Deceptive Practices by LGBS

In addition to allegations of aggressive behavior, LGBS has also faced accusations of deceptive practices. Some consumers have reported that the firm misrepresents the amount owed, adding fees or inflating the debt. Others claim that LGBS exaggerates the consequences of not paying, leading them to believe that legal action is imminent when it may not be.

These deceptive practices have been the subject of lawsuits, with debtors claiming they were pressured into paying amounts they didn’t actually owe.

Violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)

Perhaps most damning are the accusations that LGBS has violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), a federal law designed to protect consumers from abusive debt collection practices. Over the years, the firm has been sued multiple times for allegedly breaking this law, which outlines specific rules that debt collectors must follow.

Consumer Rights Under the FDCPA

Despite LGBS’s power and reach, consumers have rights—rights that are enshrined in federal law. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act offers protections to ensure that debt collectors do not overstep their bounds.

What is the FDCPA?

The FDCPA was enacted to protect consumers from unfair and deceptive debt collection practices. It sets forth guidelines on how and when debt collectors can contact debtors and prohibits certain types of behavior, such as harassment and false threats of legal action.

Common FDCPA Violations

Violations of the FDCPA can take many forms, but some of the most common include contacting debtors outside of reasonable hours, using abusive or threatening language, and misrepresenting the amount of debt owed. LGBS has been accused of engaging in all of these behaviors at various points in time.

What To Do If You’re Being Harassed by LGBS

If you’ve been contacted by LGBS and feel that their behavior crosses the line, it’s important to remember that you’re not powerless. There are steps you can take to protect yourself and your rights.

Knowing Your Rights

The first step in dealing with any debt collector, including LGBS, is understanding your rights. The FDCPA provides a framework that protects you from unfair treatment, but only if you know what those protections are. Familiarize yourself with the law so that you can recognize when a collector is stepping out of bounds.

Documenting All Communications

One of the best things you can do when dealing with a debt collector is to keep thorough records. Whether it’s phone calls, letters, or emails, make sure you have a record of every interaction. This can be incredibly useful if you decide to file a complaint or take legal action.

Considering Legal Action

If you believe that LGBS has violated your rights under the FDCPA, you may want to consider consulting with a lawyer. In some cases, legal action can be an effective way to hold debt collectors accountable and potentially even recover damages for harassment.

How to Protect Yourself From Debt Collection Harassment

Beyond knowing your rights and documenting communications, there are additional steps you can take to protect yourself from aggressive debt collectors.

Seeking Legal Counsel

If you feel overwhelmed by the situation, don’t hesitate to seek legal advice. A qualified attorney can help you navigate the complexities of debt collection laws and ensure that your rights are protected.

Negotiating With Debt Collectors

Sometimes, it’s possible to negotiate a payment plan or even reduce the amount owed. If you choose to negotiate with LGBS, make sure you’re clear on the terms and avoid agreeing to anything you can’t realistically afford. It’s often helpful to have a lawyer or financial advisor involved in these negotiations.


Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP is a powerful force in the world of debt collection, but their methods have not gone unnoticed. With numerous allegations of aggressive and deceptive practices, LGBS has found itself at the center of controversy. If you find yourself being harassed by LGBS, it’s important to know your rights, document everything, and consider taking legal action if necessary. While paying your debts is crucial, protecting yourself from abusive tactics is equally important.


What is Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP known for?

LGBS is known for specializing in the collection of government debts, such as unpaid taxes, parking tickets, and toll violations.

Has LGBS been accused of illegal practices?

Yes, LGBS has faced multiple accusations, including aggressive collection tactics, deceptive practices, and violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

What can I do if I’m being harassed by LGBS?

If you’re being harassed, document every interaction, know your rights under the FDCPA, and consider consulting an attorney to explore your legal options.

Can LGBS garnish my wages or bank account?

Yes, LGBS has the legal authority to garnish wages or seize funds from your bank account, but only if they have obtained a judgment against you in court.

Can I negotiate with LGBS to reduce my debt?

Yes, it’s possible to negotiate with LGBS to reduce your debt or set up a payment plan, though it’s important to approach these negotiations carefully.



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